Frequently Asked Questions
How is it possible that terralution single-use products have a better CO2 balance than reusable ones?
The results of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), carried out by Procycons, show that the concept of ecological reusable products is often not correct. If you examine the entire life cycle of a product – including reprocessing – reusable products do not necessarily achieve better results than those that are only used once.
Why is a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) important?
In order to assess the impact of certain products on the environment, a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is the instrument of choice. This standardized and scientifically based methodology increasingly forms the basis for development processes and strategies related to environmental performance. LCAs also play an increasingly important role in the regulatory context. If you want to analyze the environmental impact of a product you must include all environmental aspects throughout the entire life cycle (source:
What method was used to carry out the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)?
The approach for the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) aligns with DIN ISO 14044.
About the DIN ISO 14044 standard
ISO 14044:2006 specifies requirements and provides guidelines for life cycle assessment (LCA) including: definition of the goal and scope of the LCA, the life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) phase, the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) phase, the life cycle interpretation phase, reporting and critical review of the LCA, limitations of the LCA, relationship between the LCA phases, and conditions for use of value choices and optional elements. ISO 14044:2006 covers life cycle assessment (LCA) studies and life cycle inventory (LCI) studies.(source:
Are there any limitations on the functionality and performance of the sustainable terralution products?
No. terralution impressively demonstrates that environmentally friendly properties do not have to negatively affect a product’s functionality and performance in any way. With regard to quality of use and safety, DULCELTM terralution and BICELTM terralution are just as outstanding as their counterparts from the conventional Medicel product ranges and can therefore be used without any compromises.
What factors have been addressed to make terralution single-use products so sustainable?
terralution incorporates a holistic, radical development approach that encompasses EVERYTHING – from design, materials and packaging to production technologies. Thanks to this consistent eco-design, terralution products are more sustainable than reusable titanium alternatives.
What kind of sustainable materials are used for terralution products?
Firstly, all eco-design principles were taken into account and applied during the development of the terralution products. For example, the design of the instruments has been adapted to reduce size, resulting in lower material consumption during production which means less waste after use. A bio-based high-performance material was selected an eco-friendly blister is used and the box is made from especially environmentally friendly and recyclable grass paper, without the use of chemicals. The labels are also made of sustainable material.
Do these measures also affect the size and weight of the packaging?
Yes, the packaging dimensions of the blister and the box have also been optimised and the weight of the products is up to 25% lighter, which also has a positive effect on the eco-balance. This means that significantly more products can be shipped in standardised shipping boxes, reducing logistics costs and requiring less storage space.
What are the major advantages of terralution products in terms of sustainability?
With terralution it is possible to benefit from the advantages of single-use products in a climate-friendly manner and as a result achieve the sustainability goals of a surgery centre, hospital or company more effectively than with reusables.
What is the meaning of the statement terralution is “green and clean”?
With terralution products, all surgeons can feel safe during every single procedure, knowing that the product has been manufactured and packaged under cleanroom conditions - according to Swiss quality standards and without compromise, always with the thought to having the minimum possible impact to the environment.
are not contradictory»
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